$20 general admission/$15 for Cinematheque members
Advance tickets available here.
Join our Facebook event.
Please JOIN US at the Center for New Music for a special reception and silent art auction—including fabulous food, libations and music from DJ Wobbly with many artists and filmmakers in person—in celebration and support of San Francisco Cinematheque and our 55th year of exhibiting innovative avant-garde film and video art.
Over 60 international, national and regional artists have contributed artworks to this year’s stellar exhibition of photography, painting, collage, sculpture and multimedia installation. We are proud to feature work by (click artist's name to preview and bid on work):
Elliot Anderson | Miya Ando | Bill Baldewicz | Stephanie Barber | Tommy Becker | Gina Borg | Tim Buckwalter | Jerome Caja | Brian Caraway | Deric Carner | Joshua Churchill | Paul Clipson | Colpa Press* | Bruce Conner | James Mark Cordas | Bill Daniel | John Davis | Veronica De Jesus | Nathaniel Dorsky | Liam Everett | Jeanne C. Finley + John Muse | Julia Goodman | Michael Hall | Jeff Hantman | Raymond Salvatore Harmon | Jim Haynes | Mike Henderson | Allison Leigh Holt | Justin Charles Hoover | Igor Josifov | Kevin Killian | Lewis Klahr | Kadet Kuhne | Christina La Sala* | Jeanne Liotta | Janis Crystal Lipzin | Walter Logue | Jodie Mack | Guy Maddin | Cork Marcheschi | Anne McGuire | Masako Miki | Josh Minkus | Kim Miskowicz | Julie Murray | Carissa Potter | Kathleen Quillian | Raha Raissnia (online only!) | Amy Rathbone | James Sansing | Alice Shaw | Dean Smith | Phil Solomon | Kal Spelletich | Alexander Stewart | The Thing Quarterly* | Chris Thorson | Anna van der Meulen | Cate White | Andrew Norman Wilson | Mark Wilson | Charles Woodman | Karen Yasinsky | Kit Young
*Artist's work only available at silent auction. Get your tickets now!
Proxy bidding available. Please contact auction@sfcinematheque.org to make arrangements.
Cinematheque is pleased to partner with Paddle8 for the online component of our auction. Online bidding opens Thursday, September 10, 2015 at noon (PDT) and closes Friday, September 25, 2015 at noon (PDT).
2015 Auction Committee
Kim Miskowicz (Committee Chair)
Noah Cowan
John Davis
Marcella Faustini
Michael Goldwater
Allison Leigh Holt
Brian Karl
Christine Metropoulos
Joey Piziali
Steve Polta
Auction Manager: Eilish Cullen
Media Sponsor: SFAQ
Special Thanks for their generous assistance and support: Cinematheque's Board of Directors, American Medium, Altman Siegel Gallery, Anglim Gilbert Gallery, Haines Gallery, Miguel Abreu Gallery, Romer Young Gallery, The Conner Family Trust, the Estate of Jerome Caja and Anthony Cianciolo and Carl Paganelli of The Jerome Project.
We would also like to thank our partners and sponsors: Bi-Rite Market, Blick Art Materials, Rainbow Grocery: A Worker-Owned Cooperative, Trader Joe's, Temescal Homebrewing, Paddle8, Center for New Music, San Francisco Contemporary Music Players and Sunstone Winery, Santa Ynez.

Graphic Design: Flavie Liu
Image above: Kadet Kuhne, Micro Emerge (2015) [detail]