Processing Archivist Internship
Archives/ Communications/ Admin Internship

Curatorial/ Film Festival/ Admin Internship
Archives/Special Collections Internship
General On-Call Volunteers

Founded in 1961, San Francisco Cinematheque cultivates the international field of non-commercial artist-made cinema through curated exhibitions (presented theatrically and online), an annual film festival, through the creation of publications and online resources documenting the field, and through our work with physical and digital archives. Through our work Cinematheque inspires aesthetic dialog among artists, stimulates critical discourse around the field and encourages appreciation of artist-made cinema across the broader cultural landscape.

GET INVOLVED! San Francisco Cinematheque’s Internship Program is vital to our success and vibrancy within the Bay Area’s cultural landscape and to our international position. Our internships allow participants to develop professional-level responsibilities, receive training and guidance from our knowledgeable staff, and to strengthen the capacity of a high-impact, low-resource non-profit arts organization while learning about non-profit arts administration, archives and the exciting field of avant-garde cinema. Interns should be interested in working in a non-profit arts environment and possess strong communication and computer skills.

In seeking interns, we aspire to:

Internships are unpaid and require a minimum of 5–7 hours per week and approximately a 4–6 month commitment. Course credit is available through many educational institutions but it is not required that applicants be enrolled in such programs—in other words, these internships are open to all applicants unless stated otherwise. Free access to Cinematheque’s public screenings, online archives and online video collection are offered as benefits of internship.

While Cinematheque’s administrative address, physical archives and (most) public screenings are in San Francisco, effective 2020, Cinematheque’s staff works entirely remotely. For this reason, internships are also remote work experiences, with all communication taking place online via text/chat/video and/or by telephone. As remote experiences, Internships are available to any interested parties worldwide (although the ability to work synchronously is preferred). As mentioned above, access to public screenings is offered as a local benefit of internship as are one-on-one meetings with staff (if desired). Due to the remote nature of our current Internships, Cinematheque is unable to provide work computers to applicants.

To apply for an internship, please submit a cover letter and resume to sfc@sfcinematheque.org. Please include the name of the internship in the subject line.



Archives Description:

SFC’s Physical Archives consist of Artist Files, Institutional Files and Curatorial Research Files assembled through the organization’s 60+ years of existence; books, periodicals and distribution catalogs; still image files and “Special Artist Collections”—paper collections donated by artists documenting their careers. Special Artist Collections include collections donated by Craig Baldwin, Gerry Fialka, Scott Stark and others. The entirety of SFC’s physical collections totals ≈300 linear feet of material extensively documents the curatorial, administrative and publishing history of Cinematheque while providing extensive documentation of Cinematheque’s engagements with avant-garde film culture at the regional, national and international levels.

SFC’s Digital Archives consist of material in varying formats (text, video, images) collected through the course of the organization’s curatorial and publication work as well as material digitized from paper archives. SFC’s Digital Archives include material in our public-facing collections (archive.sfcinematheque.org/) as well as material not (yet) publicly available.

Position Description: Under the direct supervision of Cinematheque’s Director, Intern will assist in processing physical and digital collections and preparing collections for access. Work will involve the following:

• assessment of conditions of the collections
• determination of appropriate arrangement of collections
• rehousing items and collections as necessary
• creation of finding aids with folder-level description
• creation of metadata appropriate to collections (as to be determined)
• creation of online collections derived from digitized material

Additionally, Intern will assist in the creation of organizational archives documents such as Deed of Gift forms, Digitization Policy, Archives Mission Statement and more.


• Enrollment in (or recent completion of) a Master’s program in Library/Information Science (or related field).
• Interest in work involved with processing collections in an archives/special collections environment.
Familiarity with basic archival principles and ethics.
Excellent oral and written communication skills, organizational skills and time management skills.
Basic familiarity with archival standards and vocabularies, including DACS, LCSH and Getty AAT and experience entering data according to established standards.
Knowledge of/interest in Bay Area experimental film history, independent cinema and/or visual arts preferred.

Position Details: Position as offered (12.16.24) runs approximately January 15– April 31, 2025 (actual dates TBD). Work will be performed remotely or onsite at the offices of San Francisco Cinematheque (to be determined). Position requires a commitment of six hours of work/week, preferably all in one day week. The position is unpaid. Depending on mutual interest, this position can be extended beyond the April 31 conclusion date.

To apply for this internship, please submit a cover letter and resume to sfc@sfcinematheque.org. Please include the name of the internship in the subject line.



Desired Availability: 5–9 hours/week, to be determined based on intern availability and Cinematheque office schedule. All work to be done remotely (i.e. intern will not work in Cinematheque’s physical office). Availability to work synchronously with staff (at a schedule to be determined) is strongly preferred. Keeping in mind this preference for synchronous work, this Internship is open to any interested party, regardless of geographical location.

Minimum Commitment: Paralleling an academic calendar, preference is given to applicants who can commit to working at least through May 10, 2024 (or longer). If desired by both parties, this internship can last longer. Note that this internship is open to students and non-students alike.

Description: This hybrid internship will support the work of San Francisco Cinematheque in three areas: Digital Archives/Website, Communications and General Operations. It is ideal for those interested in contemporary international avant-garde cinema, community engagement, digital archive maintenance, administrative processes and non-profit arts administration in general. This position will work closely with Cinematheque’s Artistic Director/Archivist and Administrative Associate to support Cinematheque’s year-round online and theatrical programming through communications support and assistance in general organizational operations and will assist in the organization and management of our digital archives. For local interns, it is requested that they also provide in-person support at screenings. For complete details on Cinematheque’s mission, history, projects and operations, including its annual CROSSROADS festival, general programming work, publications and archives, please see www.sfcinematheque.org.

In regards to Communications and General Administration, internship provides experience in the following areas: 


In regards to Archives and Website maintenance, internship provides experience in the following areas: 


Preferred Skills, Abilities and Attitudes:


To apply for this internship, please submit a cover letter and resume to sfc@sfcinematheque.org. Please include the name of the internship in the subject line.



Desired Availability: 5–7 hours/week, to be determined based on intern availability and Cinematheque office schedule. All work to be done remotely (i.e. intern will not work in Cinematheque’s physical office). Availability to work synchronously with staff (at a schedule to be determined) is strongly preferred. Keeping in mind this preference for synchronous work, this Internship is open to any interested party, regardless of geographical location.

Minimum Commitment: Preference is given to applicants who can commit to working through December 15, 2022. A commitment through May 15, 2023 (or beyond) is ideal.

Description: This hybrid internship will support the work of San Francisco in three areas: Curatorial/Film Festival Administration, Communications and General Operations. It is ideal for those interested in contemporary international avant-garde cinema, film festival curatorial and administrative processes and in non-profit arts administration in general. This position will work closely with Cinematheque’s Artistic Director and Administrative Associate on all aspects of planning and executing CROSSROADS 2023, will also support Cinematheque’s year-round online and theatrical programming and general organizational operations. For complete details on Cinematheque’s mission, history, projects and operations, including its annual CROSSROADS festival, general programming (online and theatrical) work, publications and archives, please see www.sfcinematheque.org.  

In regards to Curatorial/Film Festival operations, internship provides experience in the following areas: 


In regards to Communications and General Non-Profit Arts Administration, internship provides experience in the following areas: 


Preferred Skills, Abilities and Attitudes:


To apply for this internship, please submit a cover letter and resume to sfc@sfcinematheque.org. Please include the name of the internship in the subject line.



Minimum Commitment: To be determined based on schedule and availability. A commitment through December 2020 is strongly desired. A commitment through May 2021 is ideal.

Desired Availability: 5–7 hours/week on a schedule to be determined. Currently all work will be done remotely. Staff/intern Interactions can be either synchronous or asynchronous (or a combination of the two) depending on individual needs, schedules and timezones.

This Internship is available to any interested parties worldwide.


Founded in 1961, San Francisco Cinematheque is a non-profit media arts presenter dedicated to the cultivation of the international field of non-commercial artist-made cinema through curated exhibitions (including an annual film festival), through the creation of publications and online resources documenting the field, and by maintaining a publicly accessible research archive. Through our work San Francisco Cinematheque inspires aesthetic dialog among artists, stimulates critical discourse around the field and encourages appreciation of artist-made cinema across the broader cultural landscape. For complete information on our programming and work, please see www.sfcinematheque.org

Through the course of its 59-year history, San Francisco Cinematheque has created numerous publications documenting the international field of avant-garde/experimental media and artist-made film. Since 1985, SFC has created artist monographs, edited anthologies and critical studies documenting our field. Artists represented have included filmmakers Stephanie Barber, Gordon Matta-Clark, Lynn Marie Kirby, Lynne Sachs, Scott Stark and others. Special topics documented in SFC publications include a history of Austrian avant-garde film, oral histories of the moving image, “sentience” as it relates to the art of filmmaking, and the history of small-gauge artists’ cinema in the United States.

The Archives & Special Collections Internship will support Cinematheque’s current publication project—Craig Baldwin: Science in Action!—an ambitious print publication chronicling the lifework of the renowned Bay Area media artist, curator and cultural icon. The Archives & Special Collections Intern will work under the guidance of Cinematheque staff to assess, organize and catalog an extensive collection of digital images relating to this project. This internship will be focused solely on working with digital files derived from digitized  mixed-media and paper ephemera collections and will provide experience in managing digital collections as well as online databases.

QUALIFICATIONS: This professional-level position is open to general applicants but ideally suited to those actively enrolled in an Masters of Library and Information Science program (or equivalent), particularly those with an archives or digital archives concentration. Knowledge of Bay Area film and media culture, and/or of experimental film history and culture are desired but not at all required. Persons with enthusiasm for or interest in non-institutional artistic practice and a passion for archiving and documenting underground culture are especially encouraged to apply. This internship is unpaid.

SUPERVISION: This internship will be supervised by San Francisco Cinematheque’s Artistic Director/Archivist Steve Polta. Steve Polta has worked in the field of experimental film (as an artist, administrator and curator) since 1995 and has over 20 years experience managing Cinematheque’s onsite archives. He has also worked independently on archives projects and special collections relating to experimental, orphaned and otherwise alternative media for institutions including the Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive, the Internet Archive, New York University/Bobst Library, Prelinger Archives, SFMOMA and Stanford University. He earned his MLIS from San José State University in 2011.

Application Process Description: Please email resume and letter of interest to sfc@sfcinematheque.org.



Year-round event assistance volunteer opportunities are also available: Selling membership and merchandise, handing out program notes, box office assistance, beverage sales, event set-up and breakdown. Anyone willing to undertake these worthy and gratifying activities, please email us, we’d love to work with you!