Pablo Mazzolo: The Quilpo Dreams Waterfalls

CROSSROADS 2015 Touring Programs

Available for immediate booking. For inquiries please contact tour@sfcinematheque.org.

CROSSROADS […] is not only a marvelous and wide-ranging film and video festival; under the stewardship of Artistic Director Steve Polta, it has evolved into a vital one for those of us hoping to keep abreast of new directions in the field. It’s also a realm of improbable discovery and surprise. … It’s a beautiful thing to get your face blown off, aesthetically speaking…
—Michael Sicinski: A Blistering Light at Crossroads Film Festival. Fandor, Keyframe Daily

CROSSROADS 2015 boasted an eclectic lineup of artist-made film and video that, at its best, pushed together the outer limits of narrative logic, experimental abstraction, and documentary record. Now in its sixth year, CROSSROADS has quickly become an essential festival for contemporary moving-image art […]. CROSSROADS seeks to productively befuddle our conception of what moving-image art can be rather than reaffirm ingrained perceptions of whatever it is we call artist’s cinema, experimental film, or media arts.—James Hansen: Pleasure in Dissonance—CROSSROADS 2015. The Brooklyn Rail

CROSSROADS—established in 2010—is Cinematheque’s annual film festival, presented each April in San Francisco. CROSSROADS 2015 was the young festival’s most successful iteration yet, presenting 9 programs including 64 films by 52 artists from around the world and drawing an audience of over 1,200 attendees. Cinematheque is proud to offer 3 programs from CROSSROADS 2015 for exhibition at interested venues worldwide, including museums, cinemas, art spaces, colleges & universities (e.g., exhibitions for filmmaking and film studies courses), DIY microcinemas and art galleries.
We are pleased to offer the following programs (click links for full program descriptions, links to previews and more):

CROSSROADS 2015, tour program 1
visitations, dreams of falls (watch them collapsing)
Program Runtime: 76 minutes
Program Format:
Digital Video
layover (2014) by Vanessa Renwick; Figure—Ground (2013) by Jean-Paul Kelly; A Field Guide to the Ferns (2015) by Basma Alsharif; Song for Awe & Dread (2015) by Tommy Becker; The Quilpo Dreams Waterfalls (2012) by Pablo Mazzolo; a Beginning a Middle and an End (2013) by Jon Behrens; Greetings to the Ancestors (2015) by Ben Russell

CROSSROADS 2015, tour program 2
everything is real—everything is something
Program Runtime: 69 minutes
Program Format:
Digital Video
The HandEye (Bone Ghosts) (2012) by OJOBOCA; Sea of Vapors (2014) by Sylvia Schedelbauer; Emulsion Electrons Imbued (2014) by Karissa Hahn; The Somber Vault (2014) by John Powers; Things (2014) by Ben Rivers; Wolkenschatten (Cloud Shadow) by OJOBOCA

CROSSROADS 2015, tour program 3
haunted house: a catalog of the small and ecstatic
Program Runtime: 67 minutes
Program format:
Digital Video
Meanwhile at the Moon Hotel (2014) by Jessie Stead; Frozen Giants (2013) by Christine Negus; Simmer (2013) by Karissa Hahn; flower (2012) by Naoko Tasaka; vis à vis (2013) by Abigail Child; Lunar Almanac (2013) by Malena Szlam

Programs are available for single exhibition, multiple screenings or as a three-part series.
Variable rates available.

Program packages include:

PLEASE NOTE: CROSSROADS touring programs provide financial compensation to artists—filmmakers receive payment from Cinematheque for each and every screening.

For additional information or to inquire about CROSSROADS exhibitions at your venue, please contact SAN FRANCISCO CINEMATHEQUE at tour@sfcinematheque.org.