

Beyond Asiaphilia. Valerie Soe “Experimental film in the time of coronavirus: CROSSROADS 2024 film festival recap” 10 Oct 2024.
48 Hills. Dennis Harvey “Screen Grabs: Donald Trump eclipses his dark master in ‘The Apprentice’” 6 Oct 2024.
In Review Online. Michael Sicinski “Crossroads 2024: Winds of Change” 30 Aug 2024.
KQED. Michael Fox “Crossroads Offers the Most Extraordinarily Idiosyncratic Films You’ll See All Year” 29 Aug 2024.
48 Hills. Jesse Hawthorne Ficks “Ficks’ Picks: Dive into the experimental bounty of CROSSROADS 2024” 28 Aug 2024.
Screen Slate. Hannah Bonner “Crossroads 2024” 26 Aug 2024.
Screen Slate. Paul Attard “Passage Through: A Ritual” 20 May 2024.
KQED. Sarah Hotchkiss “YBCA’s Experimental Film Programs Find New Homes at The Lab and CounterPulse” 3 April 2024.
48 Hills. Dennis Harvey “Screen Grabs: The revelatory, overwhelming, and a little scary world of Luther Price” 18 March 2024.
Screen Slate. Ed Halter “Luther Price: New Utopia and Light Fracture” 18 March 2024.
48 Hills. Dennis Harvey “Screen Grabs: Dance, music, sex, romance (and a little postwar German art)” 15 January 2024.


48 Hills. Dennis Harvey “Screen Grabs: 50 years of downs and ups for extraordinary ‘Holy Mountain’” 25 November 2023.
Screen Slate. Jadie Stillwell “Crossroads 2023” 20 September 2023.
BAVC Media. Isa Nakazawa “Transmission Studio Episode 1: CROSSROADS 2023 with Steve Polta & Zack Parrinella” 9 September 2023.
KQED. Michael Fox “‘Last Things’ Explores Earth’s Geological Roots at SF Cinematheque’s Crossroads” 8 September 2023.
48 Hills. Jesse Hawthorne Ficks “Eyeing the bounty of experimental films at CROSSROADS 2023” 5 September 2023.
KQED. Michael Fox “Avant to Live’ Is a Monument to Beloved Mission Filmmaker Craig Baldwin” 26 May 2023.
48 Hills. Dennis Harvey “Screen Grabs: Avant to celebrate local film icon Craig Baldwin’s new tome!” 26 May 2023.
48 Hills. Dennis Harvey “Screen Grabs: Cauleen Smith’s elliptical visions of Afrofuturism” 19 March 2023.
48 Hills. Dennis Harvey “Screen Grabs: WinterFest brings Ukrainian kids, artificial shtetls, orthodox drama’” 23 February 2023.
48 Hills. Dennis Harvey “Screen Grabs: Capturing the early days of womens’ travel in ‘Terra Femme’” 13 February 2023.


Desist Film. Pablo Gamba “Crossroads 2022. Programa Online Echo 2” 9 October 2022.
In Review Online. Michael Sicinski “Crossroads Festival 2022: Back to Basics” 7 September 2022.
Desist Film. Pablo Gamba “Crossroads 2022. Programa 8: Divisiones Del Trabajo” 31 August 2022.
Desist Film. Pablo Gamba “Crossroads 2022. Programa 9: Recuerdo Aquellos Días (Pudo Haber Sido Diferente)” 29 August 2022.
KQED. Michael Fox “Crossroads 2022 Celebrates Avant-Garde Film’s Pandemic Poets” 25 August 2022.
48 Hills. Jesse Hawthorne Ficks. “8 warped and haunting flicks from the video-verse of Crossroads Film Festival” 24 August 2022.
Into The Mothlight. Jason Moyes “EP.35 – San Francisco Cinematheque & Crossroads 2022 with Steve Polta” 20 August 2022.


KQED. Michael Fox “Now Playing! Handmade, Homemade Gems at Crossroads” 20 September 2021.
48 Hills. Jesse Hawthorne Ficks. “Experimental expressions: Ficks’ Picks for the 12th CROSSROADS Film Fest” 15 September 2021.
KQED. Michael Fox “Bay Area Film Festivals and Premieres Worth Your While This Fall” 1 September 2021.
KQED. Dennis Harvey. “Screen Grabs: Roxie reopens with cinema classics (and a DC punk blast).” 18 May 2021.
KQED. Michael Fox. “Now Playing! Provocative Experimental Films by Indigenous Artists.” 22 April 2021.
KQED. Michael Fox. “Now Playing! Lives Tied to the Land, Including Truffle-Hunting Dogs.” 29 March 2021.
48 Hills. Dennis Harvey. “Screen Grabs: Celebrating neglected SF filmmaker Sara Kathryn Arledge; plus more women on screen, from Crystal Z Campbell and ‘Sophie Jones’ to graffiti photos and EDM inequality.” 8 March 2021.
KQED. Michael Fox. “Now Playing! On the Fringe, Off the Grid, On the Edge.”18 February 2021.


KQED. Michael Fox. “Now Playing! Bayview and Beyond, All the Way to Hong Kong.” 16 December 2020.
48 Hills. Dennis Harvey. “Screen Grabs: Warm season, very hot topics.” 14 December 2020.
Krinegrafo. Fernando Chaves Espinach. “Crossroads 2020: La materia viva del filme.” 21 September 2020.
Krinegrafo. Fernando Chaves Espinach. “Crossroads 2020: El cine en busca de su comunidad.” 16 September 2020.
MUBI Notebook. Jordan Cronk. “Virtual Thrills: Crossroads 2020.” 14 September 2020.
Desist Film. Mónica Delgado. “CROSSROADS 2020 PROGRAM 8: UNKNOWN SUBJECTS.” 6 September 2020.
Desist Film. José Sarmiento Hinojosa. “CROSSROADS 202O.PROGRAM 4: ALL THOSE THINGS YOU USED TO FEEL.” 4 September 2020.
7×7. Chloe Saraceni. “24 Fun Things to Do This Week (8.31.20).” 31 August 2020.
48hills. Jesse Hawthorne Ficks. “Ficks’ Picks at the 11th Annual CROSSROADS Experimental Film Festival.” 28 August 2020.
Desist Film. Pablo Gamba. “CROSSROADS 2020.PROGRAM 3: TAKE THIS AS SOME KIND OF SIGNAL.” 24 August 2020.
KQED. Michael Fox. “At a Crossroads: SF Cinematheque’s Avant-Garde Festival Goes Online.” 22 August 2020.
The New Normal. Jordan Cronk. “The New Normal #2: Steve Polta (Crossroads / San Francisco Cinematheque).” 18 August 2020.
Cinema Scope. Michael Sicinski. “Cross Purposes: The 2020 Crossroads Festival.”
KQED. Michael Fox. “Now Playing! Stream Locally, Think Globally.” 16 April 2020.
GLBT Reviews. Rebecca Stoddard. “2019 Small Press and Bay Area Event Faves.” 2 February 2020.


MUBI.Michael Sicinski. “Crossroads Festival: Institutionalizing Risk.” 20 June. 2019.
KQED. Michael Fox. “Now Playing! Avant-Garde Masters Meet at S.F. Cinematheque’s Crossroads.” 4 June. 2019.
Reely Dope. Theo Shear. “Crossroads 10: A Guide to The Bay’s Experimental Sanctum.” 4 June. 2019.
48hills. Jesse Hawthorne Ficks. “Watching at CROSSROADS 2019: Avant-garde film festival returns.” 3 June. 2019.
KQED. Sarah Hotchkiss. “Hot Summer Guide 2019: Bay Area Movies and Film Festivals to Beat the Blockbusters.” 23 May. 2019.


Beyond Asiaphilia. Valerie Soe. “Both Ends Burning: CROSSROADS festival of artist-made films and video.” 12 June. 2018.
The Criterion Collection. David Hudson. “Crossroads 2018 and Three Tendencies in Experimental Film.” 8 June. 2018.
Film Threat. Theo Schear. “Crossroads Film Festival Preview.” 7 June. 2018.
MUBI. Michael Sicinski. “I’m the Man: The 2018 Crossroads Festival.” 7 June. 2018.
KQED. Michael Fox. “Now Playing! Mining Magic at CROSSROADS Festival of Avant-Garde Film.” 6 June. 2018.
KQED. Max Goldberg.” Our Top 8 Experimental Film Picks at This Year’s CROSSROADS.”5 June. 2018.
48 Hills. Jesse Hawthorne Ficks. “Ficks’ Picks: A guide to the CROSSROADS 2018 experimental film festival.”4 June. 2018.


UZAK. Valentina Dell’Aquila. “Hutton – a reflection.” Summer. 2017.
UZAK. Michael Sicinski. “Keeping It New: a Festival at the Crossroads.” Summer. 2017.
UZAK. Pietro Bianchi. “Haunted Alabama. Did You Wonder Who Fired the Gun? di Travis Wilkerson.” Summer. 2017.
UZAK. Stephen Broomer. “A road outside: Crossroads 2017.” Summer. 2017.
UZAK. Karissa Hahn. “A moon or a hole punch.” Summer. 2017.
UZAK. Gianluca Pulsoni. “Topografie di una nazione.” Summer. 2017.
UZAK. Rajee Samarasinghe. “Tributes: Notes from Crossroads 2017.” Summer. 2017.
UZAK. Sara Bonaventura. “Crossroads, Apparent Motion section – focus on Rubix II by Rose Kallal.” Summer. 2017.
UZAK. Nicola Tirabasso. “Jesse McLean: See A Dog, Hear A Dog.” Summer. 2017.
UZAK. Nicola Tirabasso. “Zachary Epcar: Return To Forms.” Summer. 2017.
UZAK. Mariangela Sansone. “Laida Lertxundi.” Summer. 2017.
KQED. Max Goldberg. “Five Must See Experimental Films At This Year’s Crossroads,” 18 May. 2017.
MUBI. Michael Sicinski. “Three Days in May: San Francisco’s Crossroads Festival 2017,” 18 May. 2017.
48 Hills. Jesse Hawthorne Ficks. “A Leap For Crossroads,” 16 May. 2017.
Hell On Frisco Bay. Brian Darr. “Ten Great Expanded Cinema Performances of 2016,” 30 January. 2017.
KQED. Michael Fox. “Now Playing! Remembering Anarchic Artists in ‘Two Wrenching Departures,’” 23 January. 2017.


KQED. Max Goldberg. “Film’s Experimental Future and Unruly Past Converge in New Festival,” 9 November. 2017.
KQED. Michael Fox. “Now Playing! Latino Film, Live Cinema and Lots Lots More,”12 September. 2016.
Cellular Cinema. Staff. “CC14-Steve Polta, at the Crossroads 7/31/16,” 26 May. 2016.
The Brooklyn Rail. James Hansen. “CONTINUING INTERFERENCE: Crossroads 2016,” 3 May. 2016.
SFAQ. Max Goldberg. “Some Things Just Stick in Your Mind,” 18 Apr. 2016.
The Blinking Eye. Kristin Cato. “Field Niggas at Crossroads 2016,” 3 Apr. 2016.
Hell On Frisco Bay. Brian Darr. “In the Street (1948),” 1 Apr. 2016.
KQED. Michael Fox. “Five to Watch: Trip the Light Fantastic,” 1 Apr. 2016.
Art Practical. Staff Editorial. “CROSSROADS 2016,” 1 Apr. 2016.
Keyframe. Michael Sicinski. “Festival Report: Avant-Garde Assessments,” 1 April. 2016.
48 Hills. Jesse Hawthorne Ficks. “At the Crossroads in 2016,” 30 Mar. 2016.
Afar. Tamara Palmer. “San Francisco March 31–April 6: Live Cinema at Crossroads & Off the Grid Returns,”30 Mar. 2016.
Experimental Cinema. Marcos Ortega. “Crossroads 2016,” 29 Mar. 2016.
Examiner. Editorial Staff .“ The Bleeding Edge: March is Going Out like a Lion After all!,” 28 March. 2016.
Visionary Film. Albert Alcoz. “Crossroads 2016- Cinematheque.” 27 Mar. 2016.
Canyon Cinema. Editorial Staff. “4/1-4/3\\ Canyon Cinema Salutes Crossroads,” 26 Mar. 2016.


SFAQ. Max Goldberg. “Warning Shots: China Now: Independent Visions,” 18 Nov.2015.
SFAQ. Editorial staff. “ The Fifth Annual Art Auction and Benefit for San Francisco Cinematheque at the Center for New Music, San Francisco,” 24 Sep. 2015.
SFAQ. Michael Fox. “Five to Watch: September Tsunami,” 1 Sep. 2015.
La Furia Umana. Olivier Belanger. “Chemins croises,” 9 Jun. 2015.
The Brooklyn Rail. James Hansen. “PLEASURE IN DISSONANCE: Crossroads 2015,” 9 May. 2015.
MUBI. Ryland Walker Night. “Metaphors and Things at Crossroads 2015,” 26 Apr. 2015.
SFAQ. Max Goldberg “Frames of Mind: CROSSROADS 2015” 21 Apr. 2015.
East Bay Express. Sarah Burke. “The Weekend’s Top Five Events.” 10 Apr. 2015.
East Bay Express. Sam Lefebvre. “CROSSROADS 2015,” 10 Apr. 2015.
Keyframe Daily. David Hudson. “Goings on|Crossroads, Pereira, Stanwyck,” 9 Apr. 2015.
48Hills. Marke B. “Keep Watch at Crossroads, New Visions Await,” 7 Apr.2015.
KQED. Geeta Dayal. “Interview: Grouper and Paul Clipson Discuss ‘Hypnosis Display’,” 7 Apr. 2015.
KQED. Michael Fox. “Five to Watch: In Film this Month, the Spirit Sings,” 31 Mar. 2015.


7X7. Brock Keeling. “Catch Mary Woronov at the Castro Theater’s Screening of Chelsea Girls,” 28 Oct. 2014.
Hell on Frisco Bay. Brian Darr. “Suspension (2008),” 14 Jul. 2014.
Keyframe Daily (Fandor). Michael Sicinski. “A Blistering Light at Crossroads Film Festival,” 12 Apr. 2014.
7X7. Jackson Scarlett. “Goodbye World+6 More Films to Watch.” 3 Apr. 2014.
Bay Area Video Coalition. “SF Cinematheque: Crossroads 2014 Festival,” 3 Apr. 2014.
KQED. Michael Fox. “Midseason Form: 5 to Watch,” 2 Apr. 2014.
Keyframe Daily. David Hudson. “Rohmer, Evans, Burroughs.” 2 Apr. 2014.
San Francisco Bay Guardian. Cheryl Eddy. “Cinemagic,” 1 Apr. 2014.


Hell on Frisco Bay. Brian Darr. “Necrology (1970),” 13 Nov. 2013.
Hell on Frisco Bay. Brian Darr. “Dark Enough (2011),” 17 Oct. 2013.
Bay Area Video Coalition. “Lost Treasures from Bay Area Art Archives.” 25 Apr. 2013
Oddball Films. “CROSSROADS April 5-7- Victoria Theater”  5 Apr. 2013
Hell on Frisco Bay. Brian Darr. “Audition (2012),” 5 Apr. 2013.
San Francisco Bay Guardian. Cheryl Eddy. “Are You Experimental?,” 2 Apr. 2013.
KQED.Michael Fox. “The Center Cannot Hold: 5 to Watch,” 2 Apr. 2013.
Hell on Frisco Bay. Mark Wilson. “The Two Eyes of Mark Wilson,” 23 Jan. 2013.


Hell on Frisco Bay. Brian Darr. “Best Fests in the West?,” 18 May 2012.
7X7. Jackson Scarlett. “7 Picks from Cinematheque’s 2012 Crossroads Film Event,” 18 May 2012.
Oddball Films. “San Francisco Cinematheque Presents Crossroads 2012,” 18 May 2012.
KQED. Michael Fox. “Art Comes First at SF Cinematheque’s Crossroads Fest,” 17 May 2012.
Keyframe Daily (Fandor). David Hudson. “And in Other News…,” 17 May 2012.
San Francisco Bay Guardian. Max Goldberg. “Light Meter: Top Picks from San Francisco Cinematheque’s Third “Crossroads” Festival,” 15 May 2012.
KQED. Michael Fox. “Mothers and Others’ Day: 5 to Watch in May,” 30 Apr. 2012.


Keyframe Daily (Fandor). Brecht Andersch. “Interview with Jim McBride, Director of David Holzman’s Diary,” 14 Jun. 2011.
San Francisco Bay Guardian. Max Goldberg. “The world Maclaine made,” 29 Mar. 2011.
Hell on Frisco Bay. Brecht Andersch. “Brecht Andersch’s Two Eyes,” 23 Jan. 2011.


7X7. Laura Mason. “Found Footage Collection, “Radical Light”, Shows Tonight @ Victoria Theatre,” 10 Nov. 2010.


SF360. Max Goldberg. “Remembering Chick Strand,” 23 Oct. 2009.
SF360. Max Goldberg. “San Francisco Cinematheque Fall Program Underway,” 3 Oct. 2009.

more press coming soon…