Saturday, April 1, 1989, 8:00 pm

ALTE KINDER – Contemporary German Super-8

Filmmaker MATTHIAS MÜLLER in person


1151 Mission Street

San Francisco, CA, 94103

Tonight’s program features a selection of S-8 films produced by “Alte Kinder” (Old Children), a group of artists from Bielefeld, West Germany and their collaborators in Boston (Owen O’Toole and Barbara Mack). Two Collective works will be shown: Flamethrowers, a triple projection tapestry of fire and ashes, and a portion of The Filmmaker’s Almanac, an interna­tional film mail-art collection; as well as films by Müller, Christiane Hauwinkel, Maija-Lene Rettig and others. Müller’s found material uses a repertoire of reflexive gestures that bring chaos to the world of the kitchen table. Conversely, Rettig presents a reality that becomes a record of interior actualities. Co-sponsored by the Goethe Institute of San Francisco.