Thursday, February 25, 1982, 8:00 pm
German Avant Garde Films from the ‘70s
Courtesy of the Goethe Institute, San Francisco
This program is a continuation of the program we presented last December of German avant garde films through the sixties. We wish to express a debt of gratitude to the Goethe Institute who has generously supplied the prints for this show. Our program will include the following films:
Kaskara (1974) 21 min. By Dore O.
Die Gebert Der Nation (The Birth of a Nation) (1973) by Klaus Wyborny
Hotel (1976) 27 min. by Heinz Emigholz
Scenec-tady 15 min. by Heinz Emigholz
Materialfilme (1976) 10 min. By Willhelm & Birgit Hein