Lyn Hejinian and Leslie Scalapino will read selections from their collaborative poem, Sight. “We agreed that the form of our collaboration was to be in doubles … and that the subject, being sight, should involve things actually seen.” (LS) This book-length work “argues that the moment of coming to see is active and dialogic.” (LH) Each will also read work responding to Peter Hutton’s lusciously photographed New York Portrait: Chapter II. Two other films shown will also address the interplay between cinema and language. Konrad Steiner’s Bum Series, filmed and edited to a reading from Scalapino’s poem Way, and The Maltese Cross Movement by Keewatin Dewdney, the Canadian computer scientist whose brilliant wit plays on the intermittence that sustains language, cinema, and passion. (K. Steiner)
Sunday, December 3, 2000
Between Visions
An Intermedia Commentary
San Francisco Art Institute