New York filmmaker Robert Fenz records black and white images that explore rhythm, texture, space and improvisation. Vertical Air (1996), with soundtrack by AACM member Leo Smith, “is an electric look at America. Images attack from every angle–the perspective of a bird in flight, or a scurrying insect…Music and image exist side-by-side, individual and equal.” (RF)
David Michalak celebrates 25 years of filmmaking with his new Inside – Out (1996), a silent portrait of a dancer’s battle to perform despite his physical and spiritual breakdown. “Inside-Out’s 18 scintillating minutes of joyous melody and grace healed my funk and charged my mood…”–Michael Fox (Bay Guardian) Also, David’s Reaching For The Trigger (1986), Not Quite Right (1987) and Once A Face (1984). Plus: Live music by Nik Phelps.