Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cinematic Tribute

Films of Chick Strand

Ninth Street Independent Film Center

presented in association with San Francisco Cinematheque and the Ninth Street Independent Film Center

Chick Strand was one of the more renowned pioneers in the Bay Area experimental filmmaking community. Canyon Cinema and the Cinematheque were founded in 1961 when Strand and Bruce Baillie began to show films in their backyard on a sheet tied between two trees. These weekly screenings were the seeds that began to sprout when Canyon Cinema became an official State Corporation. Out of Canyon Cinema came the Canyon Cinema News, and the Canyon Cinematheque. The Canyon Cinematheque branched off from Canyon Cinema around 1977 and became its own non profit exhibition center known as the Cinematheque. Both organizations, however, share a common thread in that the promotion of experimental cinema is the main focus.

Chick Strand, through her example, always championed the rights of filmmakers. She constantly insisted that filmmakers be paid for showing their work and that they be treated properly. The spirit of Canyon Cinema comes from her energies and she also believed that filmmakers should organize and operate their own exhibitions and distribution of films. Not only was she an inspiration to those of us involved in Canyon Cinema, she was also a dedicated teacher for more than 35 years (Dominic Angerame)

Films presented:
Angel Blue Sweet Wings, Fever Dream, Guacamole, Kristallnacht, Soft Fiction, Waterfall
and more..

A reception will be held following the screening.