In the personal documentary work of Portland-based Vanessa Renwick, edgy and grim poetry informs a steady, deliberate stare at extreme states of existence. Humans and other animals take decisive action. Everything is a matter of life and death. Daniel Menche’s thundering soundtrack propels the triple-screen wildlife epic Hope and Prey. 9 is a Secret ponders mystical visitations from crows and ravens after Renwick changes her name. The found footage gem, Britton, S. Dakota is constructed of haunting street portraits in a desolate town in depression era America. Also screening: two Vietnam era artifacts-Travis Wilkerson’s harrowing National Archive, v.1 and Warren Haack’s jarring Selective Service System-and Peter Kubelka’s seminal culture-clash document Unsere Afrikareise. (Steve Polta)

Sunday, February 13, 2005
Dialogues in the Dark
Program 7: Follow Me to Certain Death
California College of the Arts