What if film is not necessarily a simulacrum of reality but a way of perceiving the space we inhabit? Our lives are spent on the split-level between the forms of architecture and movements of city planning: the inside of the city versus the outside of the city. Tonight’s program is a curatorial experiment in reading the abstracted texts of urban spatial dynamics, exploring the notion that architecture equals the art of the frame and that the art of the frame equals film. Challenging the stability of presence and leading us on unexpected paths, these works explore the infamous opposition of architecture and the city planned, the world over. Featuring Icarus by Tirtza Even, Vacancy by Matthias Müller, Midtown by Sarah Morris, Invisible Cities by Julio Soto as well as Japan: Kesei Line Single Take by Ian Toews, Fall by Deirdre Logue and two by Jesper Fabricius: Arkitektur (Architecture) and Landsbykirker (Village Churches). (Maïa Cybelle Carpenter)

Thursday, May 6, 2004
Framing Spatial Experiences
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts