Sunday, April 21, 1996

Ghosts of Film History & Film Theory

San Francisco Art Institute

Film critic, historian and scholar P. Adams Sitney has had an indelible impact on avant-garde world cinema. Since the 1960s he has been Editor and principal contributor to Film Culture magazine, authored two key works of American film criticism (Visionary Film and Modernist Montage), edited numerous anthologies devoted to independent cinema, was central in the early years of Anthology Film Archives, lectured extensively in North America and in Europe, and been Professor of Film at Princeton University. Sitney brings an encyclopedic knowledge of literature, criticism, art and film history to his lively and distinctly original thinking. Tonight he will lecture from a book-in-progress on intimacy and epic in American avant-garde, raising ghosts of film history and theory through three works: Gloria and Apparatus Sum by Hollis Frampton and Visions In Meditation, Part 3 (Mesa Verde) by Stan Brakhage.