Friday, February 13, 2004

Haptic Refractions: A Cameraless Evening

Anthology Film Archives

Co-presented by Cinematheque
For our East Coast friends

A cinema based on touch, gestures of contact between the surface of film and the world, is the basis of tonight’s screening. Emulsive transformations, both human and the earth’s, palimpsests of paint and scratchings, or traces left by light and life transform the site of film into a new experience of sight. Films include Alexis Bravos’ The World’s Dry Lever; Karen Johannesen’s Untitled; Saul Levine’s Light Lick: Only Sunshine; Izabella Pruska-Oldenhof’s Light Magic; Steve Polta’s A Glimpse of Soviet Science; Luis Recoder’s Silver Recovery; Rock Ross’ Psycho Porpoise; silt’s performance of their triptych Untitled (excerpted from All Pieces of a River Shore), a continuation of their investigations of film emulsion as a microcosmic peering into the earth’s crust; Phil Solomon and Stan Brakhage’s Concrescence; and Fred Worden’s Automatic Writing 2. Cinematheque curator Steve Polta will introduce the screening. (Irina Leimbacher, Steve Polta)