Sunday, April 23, 1995

Imaginary Light

Sundance Kabuki Cinemas

Co-sponsored by the San Francisco International Film Festival

(Program will be repeated at the Pacific Film Archive on May 3 at 7 PM)

Special admission will apply.

This program of new films by American filmmakers exalts in the sensual qualities of cinema, mining the unconscious through lush explorations of created and uncovered images. Local filmmaker Dominic Angerame’s Premonition is a haunting portrait of the San Francisco cityscape. In The Book of Red Janie Geiser uses doll-like figures to construct a fantasy in which a woman’s world is torn apart and imagined anew. In Phil Solomon’s Figure/Ground (The Snowman) the picture surface beautifully shimmers and shifts to create an unsettling evocation of childhood. Peggy Ahwesh’s The Color of Love is a lovingly brash paean to female sexuality. In Consideration of Pompeii is the latest in a series of hand-painted films by Stan Brakhage, a three-part meditation on loss and ephemera. Andrew Noren’s Imaginary Light is an exquisite study of the delicacies of light and shadow.