San Francisco filmmaker (RocketKitKongoKit, Wild Gunman) and Other Cinema mogul Craig Baldwin will present his new Tribulation 99: Alien Anomalies Under America (1990, 48 min.), “a pseudo pseudo-documentary obsessively organized into 99 paranoid rants, parlaying every imaginable scrap of found-footage, re-filmed TV, and industrial sound into a ‘reconstructed’ eschatological history of post-War intervention in Latin America by alien invaders.” (C.B.) Baldwin will also show selections from several of the films he dissected and reconstituted in Tribulation 99, including Journey to Bananaland, a campy 1950 technicolor industrial by United Fruit; Attack on the Americas, a vitriolic foaming-at-the-mouth blast against Nicaragua from the age of High-Reaganism; The Mysterians, a ’60s Japanese sci-fi spectacular by Honda; and many others.

Thursday, November 15, 1990
Journeys to Misrepresentation
Featuring Craig Baldwin's Tribulation99
San Francisco Art Institute