From his late-sixties series of sublime “single-shot” films to the dense sound/image constructs of the mid-seventies and after, the cinema of Larry Gottheim is the cinema of presence, of observation, and of deep conscious engagement. While addressing genres of landscape, diary and assemblage filmmaking, Gottheim’s work properly stands alone in its intensive investigations of the paradoxes between direct, sensual experience in collision with complex structures of repetition, anticipation and memory. Tonight’s program includes new prints of Blues, Doorway, and Tree of Knowledge (from the four-part series, Elective Affinities) plus Your Television Traveler and The Opening, part of the in-progress Chants & Dances for Hand, based on material shot in Haiti.

Sunday, April 23, 2006
Recent Avant-Garde Preservations: Anticipation and Memory
Films by Larry Gottheim
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts