This decade saw the emergence of a generation of filmmakers who turned their attentions away from strictly formal artistic explorations to personal and political concerns, including re-examination of narrative traditions. The decade also saw the emergence of film performance installation and the first instance of Cinematheque’s exhibition of video: Covert Action by Abigail Child, Peggy and Fred in Hell (Prologue) by Leslie Thornton, Recuerdos de Flores Muertas by Willie Varela, Martina’s Playhouse by Peggy Ahwesh, Migration of the Blubberoids by George Kuchar, Splash by Thomas Allen Harris, and Measures of Distance by Mona Hatoum.

Sunday, March 17, 2002
San Francisco Cinematheque: Four Decades of Film & Video
Program 4: 1981-1991, Generation Shifts
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art