Yellow Aria (1985) by Tina Bastajian
Saturday, April 12, 1986, 8:00 pm
A Tribute to Frida Kahlo: Performance and Films
The S.F. Cinematheque and the S.F. Art Institute will co-sponsor two evenings celebrating the courage and spirit of Frida Kahlo, one of the most dynamic women artists of the century.
The Wounded Table (performance) is a monologue/poem for solo female voice written and directed by Monica Gazzo, inspired by a painting by Kahlo. Performed by Diviana Ingravallo.
The Life and Death of Frida Kahlo (1976) by Karen and David Crommie focuses on the events that shaped Kahlo’s life.
Yellow Aria (1985) by Tina Bastajian. Inspired by Barthes’ A Lover’s Discourse, Yellow Aria unravels and demystifies love/passion from a woman’s point of view.