Eclipse Of The Sun Virgin (1967) by George Kuchar
Sunday, November 2, 1986, 8:00 pm
A Tribute to George Kuchar: Films & Videotapes
Video at 7:00 & 9:30 P.M.; Films at 8:00 P.M.
After nearly three decades of inspired creative activity George Kuchar appears to be gaining a momentum and versatility unprecedented even for himself. As master of the home-grown melodrama, George Kuchar was one of the first American independent filmmakers to pierce the Hollywood veneer and present us with images of ourselves which were at once hilariously familiar yet disturbing. His uncanny ability to transform the mundane into the exotic, of working within unheard of budgetary limitations while making every detail of his props and sets shimmer with magic has been copied by many but rarely if ever equaled. Tonight the Cinematheque pays tribute to George Kuchar in mid-career, with a program which includes viewings of one Video Portrait Album (60 min., shot and edited in 8mm video) shown at 7:00 and repeated at 9:30 P.M. Films include Eclipse Of The Sun Virgin (1967), Pagan Rhapsody (1970), and X People (1984).