Breathdeath (1963) by Stan Vanderbeek
Saturday, May 18, 1985, 8:00 pm
A Tribute to Stan VanDerBeek
“Stan VanDerBeek is the Tom Swift of the underground, an inventor of processes and approaches. He is also a collagist, a collisionist, and like Georges Méliès, whom he claims as godfather, an illusionist.” — Sheldon Renan. A pioneer of mixed-media filmmaking, VanDerBeek’s work, covering nearly a 30-year span from the mid-50s to his death last year, ranged from early explorations in collage animation to multiple projection pieces to recent experiments in computer-generated imagery. Tonight’s program draws from all phases of his career. It is guest-curated by Michael Wallin.
Films: Skullduggery; Blacks & Whites, Days & Nights; Panels for the Walls of the World; Breathdeath; Newsreel of Dreams; Symmetricks; Dreaming; Mirrored Reason.