Yesterday Girl (1966) by Alexander Kluge
Sunday, April 9, 1989, 7:30 pm
7:30 – SEVEN SHORT FILMS (1960-1977) Alexander Kluge is one of the seminal figures in Germany’s post-war film explosion. A confederate of Adorno and Lang, his influence is evident in the generation of filmmakers that includes Fassbinder and Wenders. These rarely seen shorts chronicle the development of his artistic persona as Kluge explores the interdependency of fact and fiction and the tension between public and private realities.
9:15 – YESTERDAY GIRL (1966) Kluge’s first feature centers on a young Jewish refugee from the East who finds herself caught in the gap between Germany’s historical past and falsely optimistic future. Her search for work, love and a home exposes the amnesia of post-war Germany’s moral reconstruction. Co-sponsored by the Goethe Institute of San Francisco.