KINDERING (1987) by Stan Brakhage
Sunday, February 25, 1990, 5:00 pm
Another View — Feb 25 1990
Selected Works Re-Screened
In this film and video series, Cinematheque is rescreening new or rediscovered works recently shown within its regular program. This is not intended as a best of or highlighted series. By offering second screenings, Cinematheque hopes to both widen the audience for these works, and allow an opportunity to re-examine them. Admission is free.
Kindering (1987) by Stan Brakhage, color, 16mm, sound, 3 min. (Screened: 12-10-89); An Architecture Of Desire (1988) by Sandra Davis, color/B&W, 16mm, silent, 15 min. (Screened: 10-26-89); It Scares Me To Feel This Way (1987) by Sallie Fuchs, B&W, sound, 11 min. (Screened: 11-11-89); Misconception (1977) by Marjorie Keller, color, 16mm, sound, 43 min. (Screened: 11-18-89)