Saturday, March 10, 1984, 8:00 pm

Artists’ Call: Super 8 Films Against U.S. Intervention


762 Valencia St.

San Francisco, CA 94110

A marathon show of 33 films of all styles (none longer than 3 minutes) submitted by filmmakers from all over the country. The films were made especially for the ARTISTS’ CALL AGAINST U.S. INTERVENTION IN CENTRAL AMERICA program shown at the Collective for Living Cinema in New York on January 29, 1984. This is the first such action by filmmakers since the 1967 For Life Against War in which over 60 filmmakers participated. Many of the same filmmakers responded again. A sampling of the participants includes: Yvonne Rainer, Scott B., Ellen Gaine, Jeffery Skoller & Michael Wallin, Marjorie Keller & Sidney Peterson, Bette Gordon & Karen Kay, Louis Hock, Robert Huot, Guillermo Varela, and Phil Weisman. The show was organized by Weisman, Bill Brand and Simon Field.