Augustine of Hippo (1972) by Roberto Rossellini
Sunday, March 30, 1986, 8:00 pm
Augustine of Hippo
By Roberto Rossellini
Augustine Of Hippo (1972) by Roberto Rossellini, 120 min., color — Made in the final period of this great director’s career, Augustine… was part of Rossellini’s series of historical-didactic films which concentrated on the ideas and cultures of key Western figures (others which the Cinematheque has shown include The Rise Of Louis XIV and Blaise Pascal). Rossellini has said that these films deal with cultural and spiritual crises in the past, and may also predict the future. “They eschew the reductive thinking of historical myths and models by demonstrating that intellect is the ability to understand things from the inside.” Rossellini’s concern is not so much with the particulars of Augustine’s theology, but how a “Christian man” faced the crises of his time.
Co-sponsored by the Italian Cultural Institute