A Visit to Indiana (1970) by Curt McDowell

Thursday, January 17, 1985, 8:00 pm

Bridging the Gap: Favorite Films from the Early ‘70s

A program of selected films from Canyon Cinema


800 Chestnut Street

San Francisco, CA, 94133

This is the third in a series of programs based on the films available from Canyon Cinema, one of the largest distributors of independent films in the United States. Each program is guest-curated by a different filmmaker, critic or scholar. Tonight’s selection was made by Charles Wright, filmmaker and, from 1975-1977, co-director of the Cinematheque. These films represent the range of style and taste in filmmaking that was current in the Bay Area during the late sixties and early seventies. “Somewhat less recent films that are sometimes different from each other.” — Charles Wright.

The Divine Miracle (1973) by Daina Krumins; Light Traps (1975) by Louis Hock; Regital Training at Bullock’s (1971) by Roger Darbonne; Stand Up and Be Counted (1969) by Freude Bartlett; Being (1975) by William Farley; Catching the Asian Carp (1971) by Bill Allen and Bruce Nauman; A Visit to Indiana (1970) by Curt McDowell; Killman (1966) by Herb de Grasse; Subpoena for Sabina (1976) by Ed Jones; and Pasteur3 (1977) by Will Hindle.