Au Revoir/See You Later (1990) by Michael Snow
Thursday, June 7, 1990, 8:00 pm
CROSSING BORDERS: The International Avant-Garde Today
Daria Stermac of the Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre has chosen a selection of works attesting to the breadth and vitality of Canadian experimental cinema. Films include the Bay Area premiere of Michael Snow’s beautiful Au Revoir/See You Later (1990), Ellie Epps’s Current (1983), a rigorous work of elegance and economy; No. 5 Reversal (1989) by Josephine Mesarella, a journey of perspectives; Condensation of Sensation (Reel One) (1987) by Carl Brown, a rhapsody of cinema as sensual layerings; and The Maltese Cross Movement (1967) by Keewatin Dewdney, for whom “the projector, not the camera, is the filmmakers’ true medium”.
Total 73 min.
CROSSING BORDERS: The International Avant-Garde Today
Cinematheque presents six evenings highlighting some of the most challenging films and videos being produced around the world. Uniting them all is a passion for cinema and a drive for self-expression.