Everywhere at Once (1985) by Alan Berliner

Thursday, October 23, 1986, 8:00 pm

Charles Wright/Alan Berliner

Both filmmakers will be present


800 Chestnut Street

San Francisco, CA, 94133

Tonight’s program offers new work by two filmmakers living in New York, each of whom has mastered highly individual approaches to image/sound montage.


Charles Wright grew up in the Bay Area and helped program the Cinematheque in 1976 and 1977. Of Cable Car Melody (1986) he writes: “You will look down Hyde Street and see San Francisco Bay in the background. In the foreground a cable car will move across the surface of the screen, while almost everything else will change, from shot to shot, to create a melody.” He will also show Sorted Details (1980) and Surprised (1973).


Alan Berliner uses his life-long interest in collecting as the springboard for his films: “The films are composed from a random and ever expanding pool of elements, cultural artifacts and residues, odds and ends accumulated over time, transformed into works attempting to bridge a wide range of poetic horizons: the actual with the possible, pre-history with science-fiction, magic with science fact, the medium with the message.” He will show: Everywhere at Once (1985), Natural History (1983), and City Edition (1980).