But No One (1982) by Su Friedrich
Thursday, June 7, 1984, 8:00 pm
Different Places/Bad Places
Selections of films by women engaging issues of gender, voice, pleasure and repression. Curated by Leslie Thornton.
Peggy and Fred in Hell, 1984, 19 min. & Oh China Oh, 1983, 3 min. by Leslie Thornton. “Peggy and Fred… is a relentless, funny and sometimes horrifying examination of the child’s entry into the symbolic realm of language, discourse, and social and sexual roles.” –LT
Aqui Se Lo Halla, 1982, 18 min. by Lee Sokol, juxtaposes her sensual Mexican footage with a 40 year old Mexican’s poignant account of a youthful passion.
But No One, 1982, 9 min. by Su Friedrich, a disturbing allegory shot on New York’s Lower East Side.
Zone, 1982, 10 min. by Sokhi Wagner, is evocative of the early Dada experiments in fragmentation of place and context.
Untitled, 1984, 6 min. by Linda Peckham, explores the narrative voice as the site of exile of a woman’s consciousness.