Cha Hit Frames (1987) by Dirk de Bruyn
Thursday, February 27, 1986, 8:00 pm
Dirk De Bruyn With New Australian Films
New Light
Filmmaker Dirk de Bruyn in person.
A selection of recent Australian films highlighting work emerging from Melbourne’s Jika Jika Film Society, the Fringe Network Open Screenings, and Cantrill’s Filmnotes. “The work is all low budget. Or more precisely, no-budget. The home-processed Exacuate (Michael Buckley & Sue Macaulay) cost $17 to make. Poverty also helps explain the resurgence of Direct Films, from the work-intensive Rainbow Diary (Ivor Cantrill) to the scratching-on-image of Etrusco Me (Maree Hoy & Marcus Bergner). The animation Short Lives (Neil Taylor) explores abstract form and movement as does Dirk de Bruyn’s Cha Hit Frames use of neg-pos afterimages. Other films include: The Muscle (Kelly Hoare), Doppelganger Films, super-8mm (Marcus Bergner), and Feyers (Dirk de Bruyn).