Mutable Fire! (1984) by Bradley Eros and Aline Mare
Thursday, December 15, 1988, 8:00 pm
Erotic Psyche: Excess and Ecstasy
Aline Mare and Bradley Eros in person
As technologists of the body focused on desire and its discontents, Erotic Psyche, working in film, video, slides, performance, sound, and text, separated after 5 1/2 years of intense collaboration (1983-88), going east and west coast. This is a re-perspective of their modern mythic transmedia works, incorporating industrial majestic music (SPK, Test Dept., Psychic TV) with live vocals and performance in the mix. “Erotic Psyche’s richly layered tapestries of hallucinatory images are riddled with provocative rituals, from sex to science to surgery, that are guaranteed to produce frissons of pleasure.” — Wooster, Village Voice. “They fuse the dynamics of dream, blood, fire & flesh.” — K.K. Wanglung, Berlin.