Together (1976) by James Broughton and Joel Singer
Thursday, November 10, 1988, 8:00 pm
Gala Birthday Celebration
James Broughton & Joel Singer in person
During the past year several major film festivals have been paying homage to one of the Bay Area’s most illustrious native sons, James Broughton, in his seventy-fifth year. Tonight the Cinematheque will honor Broughton’s actual 75th and partner Joel Singer’s 40th birthdays with a celebration involving the participation of musician friends and fellow poets, and selections from their many film collaborations of the past ten years (including Together, Windowmobile, Devotions and Scattered Remains). Singer will also premiere Part One of his new work-in-progress, Exposures. In December the two will embark on a national tour, culminating in a January appearance at the American Film Institute, where Broughton will receive the 1989 A.F.I. Award for his life work in independent film.