Hapax Legomena III (Critical Mass) (1971) by Hollis Frampton
Thursday, May 17, 1984, 8:00 pm
In Memoriam/Hollis Frampton
“Death is not the worst thing that happens to us. It is simply the last thing.” Hollis Frampton, 1936-1984.
On March 30th, Hollis Frampton died in Buffalo, N.Y. The film community lost a unique and greatly influential voice with his passing. This evening is dedicated to his memory. It features a selection of his films ranging from his earliest to those included in the Magellan Cycle, and also a portrait of Hollis by Stan Brakhage. A taped selection of talks that he gave in San Francisco during his visits here will be played between the two halves of the film program.
Short Films 1975, #3 (portrait of H.F.), by Stan Brakhage; Information, 1956, 4 min.; Manual of Arms, 1966, 17 min.; Lemon (for Robert Huot), 1969, 7 ½ min.; Carrots and Peas, 1969, 5 ½ min.; Hapax Legomena III (Critical Mass), 1971, 25 ½ min.; Winter Solstice, 1974, 33 min.; Otherwise Unexplained Fires, 1977, 18 min.