Which Way to CA? (1981) by Kurt Kren
Thursday, February 16, 1984, 8:00 pm
Litanies of Passion/New Works by Kurt Kren
Bay Area filmmakers Linda Nathanson, Peter Novak, Jose Montano and Jim Osland greet Valentine’s Day with 10 films of personal exploration. “Where does experimentation end and confrontation begin, or when do you know what you want?” (L.N.)
Linda Nathanson: Overexposed, Winter 1983, 4 min.; Chambers, Spring 1983, 3 min.; The Glass House, Summer 1983, 3 min.; Don’t Cry Over, Fall 1983, 4 min
Peter Novak: Zora Novak, 1982, 9 min.; C-Die Auffuhrung, 1983, 15 min.
Jose Montano: Our Prisoner of Ennui, 1983, 4 min.; Faint Memory Moment Morning Blue, 1984, 6 min.
Jim Osland: Circle of the Mosquito, 1983, 4 min.; Travels in Water, 1984, 5 min.
Premier of three new films, Kren’s first since 1979. “His films are expressive and elaborate, with a wide range of content and comment that is always full of freshness, energy and honesty of expression” (Stephen Dwoskin, Film Is)
Which Way to CA?, 1981, 3 min.; Breakfast im Grauen, 1981, 3 min.; Getting Warm, 1982, 3 min.; Fenstergucker, Abfall, etc., 1962, 5 min.; An W + B, 1976, 7 min.