Drawn and Quartered (1987) by Lynne Sachs
Thursday, September 24, 1987, 8:00 pm
Local Color: New Bay Area Films
Tonight marks the first in a regular series of group programs highlighting new films by Bay Area filmmakers. This evening’s selection consists primarily of films which deal innovatively and directly with the very nature of the film image, as well as sound/image compositions by Andrej Zdravic. Films include: Drawn and Quartered by Lynne Sachs, Slant or Slumber by Chika Ogura, diary of an autistic child, part IIl/hard core family by Edwin Cariati, Go by Michael Rudnick, Nigeria and Tender Negative by Chuck Hudina, Kres and Airborne by Andrej Zdravic, Fuck Face by Julie Murray, Negative Space by Caroline Savage-Lee, and If X, Then Y by Jacalyn White.