Three Paces (Moving Through The Mirror) (1989) by Alia Syed
Thursday, June 14, 1990, 8:00 pm
CROSSING BORDERS: The International Avant-Garde Today
Moira Sweeney in person
These five recently-completed films voice many of the concerns being explored by women filmmakers working in Britain. Through re-photography and montage they create a filmic space often located in the “imaginary.” Here all is potential metaphor, evoking and calling into question the dualities of interior/exterior, dream/reality, subjective/objective. Presented by Moira Sweeney (Programmer for the Arts Council of Great Britain). Films: K (1989) by Jayne Parker; Three Paces (Moving Through The Mirror) (1989) by Alia Syed; The Pavement (1989) by Diana Mavroleon; Imaginary (1988-89) by Sweeney; Beauty In The Most Profound Distortion (1989) by Sophia Phoca. Total: 60 min.
CROSSING BORDERS: The International Avant-Garde Today
Cinematheque presents six evenings highlighting some of the most challenging films and videos being produced around the world. Uniting them all is a passion for cinema and a drive for self-expression.