The Bathers Series III (1987) by Michael Maziere
Thursday, May 12, 1988, 8:00 pm
New British Avant-Garde Traces Of Differences
Filmmaker Michael Maziere in person
Michael Maziere, filmmaker and programmer at the London Film-Makers Co-op will present recent films from the British avant-garde. “The films deal with such specific concerns as sexuality, cultural identity, history and subjectivity as well as madness, humor, and death. By using special printing techniques, coloring, and image degradation. . . these films break the boundaries of visual experience to create rich, aesthetic events.” (M.M.) Films include The Bathers Series III by Maziere, inspired by Cezanne, The Descent of the Seductrice by Jean Mathee, using the femme fatale to stress the impossibility of fantasy and failure of the image. Work by John Smith, Pier Wilkie, Sandra Lahire, Anna Thew, Moira Sweeney, Nik Gordon Smith.