“Sorry/Hear Us” (1986) by Larry Gottheim
Thursday, April 16, 1987, 8:00 pm
New Films By Larry Gottheim
Filmmaker Larry Gottheim will be present
The Cinematheque welcomes Larry Gottheim back with two newly completed films, each of which marks a significant departure and development in his work following the completion of his Elective Affinities tetralogy. As with all of Gottheim’s films, these are densely conceived sound-image constructs, creating resonant and imaginative cinematic landscapes.
Films: Mnemosyne Mother of Muses (1986, Premiere): “A vibrant flow & undertow of sounds & images transform personal history into an expanding field of cinematic experience & associations.” — L.G. “Sorry/Hear Us” (1986, Premiere): “A continuous transformation curving out and out, sketching possibilities playfully without working out every implication.” — L.G. Natural Selection (1983): “From collaboratively produced material a kind of order is achieved from which …an abundance of association and interactive cinematic richness is produced.” —L.G.