Sans Titre 84 (1984) by Yann Beauvais

Sunday, May 10, 1987, 8:00 pm

New French Films from Scratch

Filmmaker Yann Beauvais in person


800 Chestnut Street

San Francisco, CA, 94133

Yann Beauvais has been at the center of Paris independent film activity for several years, and is co-founder (with Miles McKane) of Scratch magazine and film series and Light Cone, France’s most active experimental film cooperative. Tonight Beauvais will present a selection of his own films (including 3 for double-projection) and work by 5 other French filmmakers.

Films: Enjeux, Amoroso, RR, Sans Titre 84, 1985 by Yann Beauvais; Systema by F. Thomas; In/Side/Out 1-6 by J. Burford; Juste Avant Midi by P. Auger; Carlton Dekker by D. Wharry, and Two Films by F. Devaux & M. Amarger.