Saturday, January 30, 1988, 8:00 pm

On New Ground: Sounds And Image Works

Roy Ramsing, Jeff Rosenstock & Jacalyn White in person


1151 Mission Street

San Francisco, CA, 94103

Three long-time staff members of the S.F. Art Institute Film Department escape the confines of 800 Chestnut St. to help the Cinematheque inaugurate its new site at the Eye Gallery with a program of their Super-8mm films, Video-8 tapes and ¼-inch sound works. In Jacalyn (Jac) White’s Super-8mm film In the Company of Women, Part I; The Daughters (1985), five dynamic women in their 30s discuss everything from sex to socks. Shot in close-ups, the film’s structure flows like the conversation. In the Company of Women, Part 2; The Mothers (1986) continues in the same style, with the conversation of the five mothers of the daughters in Part 1. If a Tree Falls… (1987), an environmental sound station by Roy Ramsing, is a 24-hour piece that listeners enter and enjoy for as long as they like. Story by FX (1988) by Roy Ramsing is an aural adventure in 4-channel sound. Jeff Rosenstock will premiere an untitled work in Video-8