From Romance to Ritual (1985) by Peggy Ahwesh
Saturday, October 24, 1987, 8:00 pm
Peggy Ahwesh/The Invertebrates
Peggy Ahwesh will be present
Films by Peggy Ahwesh: Para Normal Intelligence (1983), Nostalgia for Paradise (1983), and From Romance to Ritual (1985).
“I am S8, S8 is me. Well, not so true anymore but there were several years in which filming with S8 became my definition of art making and having fun. My sensibility matched both the economics and aesthetics of the format.” (P.A.) The three super-8 films Peggy Ahwesh will show all manage to create penetrating psychological and cultural portraits within the limited super-8 format. Margie Strosser, appearing in all three films, wrote in her Journal: “Everything that happens is potential material for the filming, an opportunity to carve out meaning. Life becomes the movie, a painful process of sifting through chaos… no budget filmmaking allows us to linger; allows the camera to be more fluid, more indecisive, less egotistical… “ Ahwesh is an Artist-in-Residence at the San Francisco Art Institute for 1987-88.
Rubber Soul Train — A music/media performance by The Invertebrates — “A choo-choo train of odd, throbbing rhythms: a gripping narrative; a home-movie spectacular; bugs in the woodshed; singing as a hemmorha; a jamboree of pan-idiomatic urban folkloric.” (Tom Wheeler)