Selected Short Songs (1965-1967) by Stan Brakhage
Saturday, March 19, 1983, 8:00 pm
Personal 8mm Filmmaking
The Early Pioneers of the 1960s
Personal 8mm Filmmaking:
A 6-Part Series
The Cinematheque will present highlights of some of the finest personal experimental films ever produced in the 8mm and Super 8mm gauges. Although long considered a “home movie” medium, many artists have devoted themselves to mastering its properties, and a rich and varied body of work has emerged. This series will be an introduction to regular scheduling of work of this genre.
The Early Pioneers of the 1960s
A selection of innovative and truly hand-crafted work made before the advent of Super 8. Untitled (1960-63) by Bob Branaman, a major influence on 8mm films for years to follow; Aleph (1965) by Wallace Berman, a densely packed collision of fleeting images, with every frame hand-painted with Hebraic symbols. Note to Patti, The Big Stick (1969-74) (Reg. 8) and Bopping the Great Wall of China Blue (1979) (Super 8) by Saul Levine, known for his poetic, painterly use in every aspect of the filmmaking process (splice marks, grain, camerawork, etc.); Selected Short Songs (1965-67) by Stan Brakhage, a rare opportunity to see some of the master avant-garde filmmaker’s most lyrical and personal works in their original form; Brakhage has continued to work in 8 and Super 8 for over 15 years.