Plain Talk & Common Sense (1987) by Jon Jost

Thursday, June 2, 1988, 8:00 pm

Plain Talk & Common Sense By Jon Jost

Filmmaker Jon Jost in person


800 Chestnut Street

San Francisco, CA, 94133

The Cinematheque and Film Arts Foundation welcome Jon Jost back to present the San Francisco Premiere of his new film, Plain Talk & Common Sense (Uncommon Senses). Unlike Jost’s recent fictional films (Angel City, Bell Diamond), Uncommon Senses is a passionate and sardonic “essay” that skillfully weaves dramatic scenes, computer graphics, quotations from pop iconography and political speeches to undercut the mythology behind America and American ideals. “It is the intention of Uncommon Senses to open the viewer to the simultaneous complexity and simplicity of a discourse on ‘America’, a discourse which necessarily must range far and wide. . .and which must, as Thoreau noted over a century ago, finally come to rest and fruition within the solitary individual.” (J.J.) Co-sponsored with the Film Arts Foundation.