I.D. (1988) by Vincent Grenier
Thursday, December 8, 1988, 8:00 pm
Recent Films by Vincent Grenier
Vincent Grenier in person
French-Canadian filmmaker Vincent Grenier has had a continuing impact on Bay Area audiences through his early efforts as Cinematheque programmer and with his evolving body of personal films. For tonight’s program Grenier will premiere two new films: Times Wake (once removed) (1977-87) incorporates material from an earlier version, and “is a collection of ‘windows’ on a personal past”; I.D. (1988) is a 60 minute work in four parts. “A driving interest in this film has been the raw material of conflicts between the persona and the individual qualities of a person. Also an interest in superimposition partly as a disruptive device equally metaphorical of conflicts between interior and exterior spaces.” — V.G.