Theme and Variations (1928) by Germaine Dulac
Thursday, February 1, 1990, 8:00 pm
Rediscovering the 1920s Avant-Garde Films
Filmmaker William Moritz in person
This program promotes a reconsideration of the seminal experimental films of the 1920s not only by exhibiting the period, but also by presenting classics in their original form. Featured will be two rare films by one of film’s earliest avant-garde theorists, Germaine Dulac. William Moritz, who restored these film prints, will also show slides and gossip about the filmmakers. Films: Germaine Dulac, Theme and Variations (1928) and Disc 957 (1929); Walter Ruttmann, Light-Play Opus I (1921) music by Butting; Man Ray, Return to Reason (1923); Dudley Murphy, Ballet Mécanique (1924) (1924) music by Antheil; Rene Clair, Intermission (1924) music by Satie; Henri Chomette, Five Minutes of Pure Cinema (1925); Oskar Fischinger, R-1, A Form-Play (1926/7) triple projection; and Walter Ruttmann, In the Night (1931).