Pursuit of Happiness (1940) by Rudy Burckhardt
Saturday, April 30, 1983, 8:00 pm
Rudy Burckhardt
Selected Films
The films will be introduced by poet Billi Berkson.
Eastside Summer (1956), 14 min.; The Climate of New York (1942, released 1982), 22 min; Under the Brooklyn Bridge (1955), 15 min.; Pursuit of Happiness (1940, released 1982), 7 min.; Indelible Indelible (1983), 8 min.; All Major Credit Cards (1983), 26 min.
This is the first solo show devoted to Burckhardt’s work in several years.
“The photography & objective, the images are ordinary facts, the style is direct and clear. The great pleasure they offer is to see with Burckhardt’s eye… The images are full of fun, wit and humor. They also catch live people and places during moments of unconscious beauty or even grandeur. The live light in them is memorable. “’ —Edwin Denby.