Hotel Cartograph (1983) by G. Scott Stark

Saturday, May 5, 1984, 8:00 pm

Sharon Greytak and G. Scott Stark

The filmmakers will be present


762 Valencia St.

San Francisco, CA 94110

New York filmmaker Sharon Greytak has had a recent Cineprobe at the Museum of Modern Art as well as one-person shows at the Collective for Living Cinema and Millenium Film Workshop.

The Living Room, 1983, 13 min.; Some Pleasure on the Level of the Source, 1982, 12 min.; Czechoslovakian Woman, 1982, 9 min.

Scott Stark has been making films in San Francisco since the late ‘70s.

Circus Animals, 1983, 8 min. with Mary Schneeberger, 3 super 8 projectors; Hotel Cartograph, 1983, 11 min.; Muzak and Other Evidence, 1984, 15 min.; Umbrella Man, 1983, 11 ½ min.