Ikarus (1973) by Chuck Hudina
Thursday, June 11, 1987, 8:00 pm
“Some of my Favorite Premieres”
Films from the 1970s programmed by Carmen Vigil
For tonight’s program we have asked Carmen Vigil, Co-Director of the Cinematheque between 1975 and 1982, to select a group of films from those he programmed: “During the eight years or so | programmed, there were hundreds of films which had their first West-Coast showings, scores of which I would count among my favorites. The films on this program are some of my “discoveries” by young filmmakers who continued to grow artistically and make films of value.”
Films: Traces by Barbara Linkevitch, Highway Landscape by J.J. Murphy, Breath by Andrei Zdravic, Cue Rolls by Morgan Fisher, Florence by Peter Hutton, Dub Film by Doug Wendt, Ikarus by Chuck Hudina, The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar by Janis Crystal Lipzin, Cants From Natural History Works by Gary Adkins and L’Amico Fried by Roger Jacoby.