Pause! (1977) by Peter Kubelka
Thursday, February 14, 1985, 8:00 pm
The Complete Films of Peter Kubelka
Despite his universal recognition as one of the masters of personal cinema, this will be the first comprehensive screening of Kubelka’s films in the Bay Area since 1977. The Cinematheque will present his groundbreaking early films twice (what Kubelka refers to as “metric cinema”) as well as the rarely screened, recent Pause!. If you’ve never seen these films, you’ll enjoy them as revelations of film art. If you’ve seen them before, enjoy them as old friends rediscovered. “Peter Kubelka is the world’s greatest filmmaker.” — Stan Brakhage.
Mosaik im Vertrauen (1955); Adebar (1957); Schwechater (1958); Arnulf Rainer (1960); Unsere Afrikareise (1965); Pause! (1977).
“Where is, then, the articulation of cinema? …It’s not between shots but between frames. It’s between frames where cinema speaks.”—Peter Kubelka.