Pull My Daisy (1959) by Robert Frank
Sunday, March 25, 1990, 8:00 pm
Program I – Autobiographical Films
“The films I have made are the map of my journey thru all this living… somewhere the fearful truth seems to endure. I want you to see the shadows of life and death flickering on that screen.” (R.F.) Although mostly known as one of the foremost living still photographers, Robert Frank has made 14 films beginning with the influential 1959 Pull My Daisy. Tonight’s screening is the first in a series of programs including his less-known work. Conversations in Vermont (1969, 25 min.), about Frank’s relationship to his children; Life Dances On (1980, 30 min.), which merges portraits of those who still share his life; and Home Improvements (1985, 29 min., video), Frank’s first videotape, a simple and poignant diary.