Note 1 (1967) by Saul Levine
Saturday, December 15, 1984, 8:00 pm
The Films of Saul Levine – II
Levine in person
Note 1 (1967), 3 min., Note to Colleen (1974), 5 min., Not Even A Note (1978), 22 min., On The Spot (1973), 28 min., Near Sight (1977-78), 2 min., Arrested (Breaking Time, Part 2) (1977-82), 10 min., A Few Tunes Going Out: Bopping The Great Wall of China Blue (1979), 4 min., Groove to Groove (1979), 12 min., and A Brennan Soll Columbus N Medina (1984), 13 min
This second program of films by Saul Levine includes selected early titles from his ongoing series The Notes (made with the ease and spontaneity of a letter or a message) as well as his most recent super-8 sound work. Levine’s use of Super-8 sound is unique in that he incorporates the technical “limitations” of the medium into a richly textured and highly-charged personal montage. “Levine’s work has a quality which is becoming increasingly rare: there’s a direct human address in his work. The multiplicity of his work comes from its engaging openness. Seeing his films is like having a conversation with the filmmaker.” — Daryl Chin, Soho Weekly News.